Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wanna Trade?

I've been in a trading slump recently. If you guys have any cool Astros stuff like Bowman Blue Borders, any GU, autos, or other numbered stuff, I'd love to trade. Also even any other non astros stuff I would be interested in, just something to get some new memorabilia into my house. Email me!

Cam Out.


Anonymous said...

I may have some older Astros and such sitting around...

CamHartman said...

What years do you mean when you say "older"?
And also, I saw on your site that you have a Brian Stavisky Autograph. What would you want in return for that?

the sewingmachineguy said...

Hey Dude, I have a low numbered AUTO of Chris Johnson (the Astro) somewhere in my card cave. I will dig it out if you're interested. Let me know.